Willamette Week Media

We cover Portland like no one else. Everyday on wweek.com and in our weekly paper our team of journalists is telling stories that make a difference and keep our 2.5 Million unique readers informed. Breaking news, performing a watchdog role, having an impact—that’s the driving force behind our news coverage.

We are cultural influencers. We spot trends, showcase the best in Portland’s food, drink, music and cover the arts scene with a passion. We publish four annual glossy magazines on regional travel and home lifestyle in Portland, reaching new transplants.

And we connect with our community, beyond the written word. Each year, we produce events that celebrate the best that this region has to offer: emerging comedians in Funniest Five, Best New Band, The Oregon Beer Awards, Candidates Gone Wild and Best of Portland

We also operate a charitable effort that has raised more than $48 million for local nonprofits since 2004, and we are the only weekly newspaper ever to have won the Pulitzer Prize for Investigative Reporting.

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