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Willamette Week’s 50th Anniversary Issue

Issue Publishes: 11/13

Print Space and Materials Due: 11/6

This November Willamette Week Turns 50!

Our 50th Anniversary Issue drops on 11/13.

Inside? A retrospective on what has made Portland GREAT over the last 50 years, and what we must carry forward for a brighter future.

Celebrate with us in what will be a coffee table issue for months to come.

50% OFF Ad Rates for 50 Years.

For the past 50 years, Willamette Week has remained steadfast in its dedication to the city we proudly call home.

We’ve made mistakes, we’ve lost some friends along the way, and we face a rapidly changing business model. But we’ve never wavered in our commitment to providing FREE high quality journalism that celebrates our city. And thousands of Portlanders rely on us every day.

For 50 years we’ve covered the vibrant culture and unsung voices of our neighbors. We’ve championed investigative journalism, with the belief that holding power to account is key to maintaining democracy and a healthy community.

Celebrate 50 years with us, by placing an ad in our Anniversary Issue.

50th Anniversary Rates

  • Full Page: $2,200$1,100

  • 2/3rd Page: $1,800$900

  • Half Page: $1,500$750

  • 2 Column: $1,200$600

  • 1/4th Page $850$425

  • 4S: $600$300