Willamette Week is the premier source in the Portland area for election information.

In one of the most pivotal election years in recent history, we’re launching Ballot Buddy: unbiased, non-partisan coverage that will help voters make sense of this year’s election.

Ballot Buddy is a fresh sub-brand of WW, attached to 5 months of content with a goal of demystifying all facets of the local primary elections in November.

Ballot Buddy Ad Packages

Get in front of our readers in the leadup to this election.

There are three options for ad packages around Ballot Buddy content. Each package bundles custom ad units across all BB channels (print, newsletters, BB landing page) that get you front and center with our readers as they follow this non-partisan educational initiative closely in the lead up to the elections.

Dates are flexible but dependent on inventory.

Package 1:

  • (4x) Custom Ballot Buddy 8-Unit Print Ads

  • (3x) Ballot Buddy First Look Pkg 33% SOV (3 weeks)

  • (3x) Ballot Buddy Native Ads

  • (2x) Ballot Buddy Display Ads

  • (2x) Ballot Buddy Banner Ads

  • Cost $7,000 ($9,900 value)

Package 2:

  • (2x) Custom Ballot Buddy 8-Unit Print Ads

  • (2x) Ballot Buddy First Look Pkg 33% SOV (3 weeks)

  • (2x) Ballot Buddy Native Ads

  • (1x) Ballot Buddy Display Ads

  • (1x) Ballot Buddy Banner Ads

  • Cost $4,600 ($5,650 value)

Package 3:

  • (1x) Custom Ballot Buddy 8-Unit Print Ad

  • (100k impressions) Ballot Buddy ROS/CPM (2 weeks)

  • (2x) Ballot Buddy Native Ads

  • (2x) Ballot Buddy Banner Ads

  • Cost $2,200 ($2,600 value)