Are you the Best of Portland? Let the city know!

Nominations Open: 3/25 - 4/26
Finalist Voting:
5/27 - 6/28
Winners will be revealed in our annual Best of Portland Issue in print and online on 7/24.

What is BOP?

No one knows Portland better than our readers. Best of Portland is our annual poll where they make their picks on the best things this city has to offer across all categories. The campaign happens over the course of 3 months, and results in the ultimate list of our readers’ choice of the Best of Portland.  Readers vote for the best in different subcategories, which are grouped into 7 broader categories: Arts & Entertainment, Cannabis, Food, Drink, Goods & Services, People, and Health & Wellness.

For a full list of all sub-categories, click here.

Don’t see a subcategory that fits your favorite Portland place? Let us know by emailing with a suggestion.

How does BOP Work?

There are two phases to BOP. The first is the Nomination Phase starting March 25 and ending April 26. During this time, we ask our readers to nominate their favorite businesses, bars, restaurants, products, etc. Once nominations are closed, we tally the submissions, and narrow to the five finalists who received the most nominations under each sub-category. Then from May 27 - June 28, we hold our Voting Phase, where readers vote on who truly deserves to be called the Best of Portland. After voting ends, we tally the votes and publish the winners in our Best of Portland issue (July 24th).

What do I get if I win?

Most importantly, bragging rights. For a whole year, you can tell everyone that the people of Portland love you so much, that they overwhelmingly voted YOU as the Best of Portland. There are other perks, too, like getting “winner” artwork to show off your win, getting your name in our Best of Portland issue (in print and online), and a chance to join us at our annual Best of Portland block party.

But BOP is about more than bragging rights, it’s really about celebrating local. Think of it as a city-wide celebration of local business and an opportunity for you to engage your customer base, friends, and family in drawing in new audiences for your business.

This is great. So how do I get voted Best of Portland?

Campaign, campaign, campaign! Send e-blasts, post on social, advertise with WW, and make sure everyone you know is nominating you. Advertise on the ballot itself!

After nominations close, the top 5 nominees move to the voting round, and the campaign continues. This is not only an opportunity to be named “Best of” but an opportunity to run a dedicated awareness campaign that speaks directly to our community.

We have plenty of advertising opportunities to better drive votes for yourself and get people to associate you as the Best of Portland, and assets for you to use across your platforms, at this link. Contact your Account Executive or email to learn more.