Promoting an event?

You’re in the right place. Find tactics below to assure you’ll reach the WW audience and drive ticket sales and attendance.

Amplify your event on our calendar, Get Busy

  • Listing your event on is free. Start there by following these instructions to get your event on the calendar, and then leverage this package for increased viewability and targeted advertising.

  • Receive extra attention on your event within the calendar through ads, or enhancing your event listing so its extra prominent (see photo on left). These ads are self serve (paid for by CC), and you’ll see options for promotion once submitting your event on the calendar.

    • Featured Placement for 15 days leading up to event - $300

    • Featured Placement for 10 days leading up to event - $250

    • Just Announced Promotion for 10 days (promotion runs as soon as event is published) - $200

    • Top listing on day of event (single day promotion) - $30

Drive consistent awareness leading up to the event.

  • Advertise in print and on with a multi-week campaign so readers are seeing your event repeatedly.

  • Display ads on, start at $250

  • Print ads start at $325

  • Frequency discounts available.

Create urgency with timely ads and promotions

  • Speak to our most trusted and loyal audience in a timely and focused way by leveraging newsletters. Our newsletters reach 60k subscribers and average 25k impressions each.

  • Place ads in our existing Daily/Weekly newsletters or takeover our full list with a Newsletter Takeover.

  • Offer a discount code for WW readers to drive more immediate ticket sales, or offer a giveaway to WW readers to generate more interest and consideration for your event.

Target your audience.

  • Advertise on the WW instagram channel to reach our younger audience. (60% are between 25 - 44)

  • Utilize our Daily Primer Newsletter for our older audience (50% are 45+)

  • Align your advertising with content that attracts your audience. Ask about our media calendar and upcoming content plans.